Why should I choose B Corp certified brands?

Why should I choose B Corp certified brands?

As it's B Corp Month I've been thinking about why choosing B Corp certified brands is important.

B Corps, or Benefit Corporations, are for-profit companies that prioritise social and environmental impact alongside financial performance. B Corps are held to a higher standard of transparency and accountability, and are required to meet strict environmental and social performance criteria, in addition to adhering to rigorous legal requirements. By choosing B Corp certified brands, we can support companies that are committed to making a positive impact on the world, and help to create a more sustainable and equitable future.

B Corp Movement from B Lab on Vimeo.


Some of the benefits of choosing B Corp certified brands include:

Positive impact on people and the planet

B Corps are committed to making a positive impact on the environment, their employees, and the communities they serve, and are held to strict standards to ensure that they are living up to these commitments.

Increased transparency and accountability

B Corps are required to disclose their environmental and social impact and undergo regular assessments to ensure that they are meeting their commitments.

A more sustainable and equitable future

By choosing B Corp certified brands, we can support companies that are working to create a more sustainable and equitable future, and help to drive positive change in the world.

Overall, choosing B Corp certified brands is a way for all of us to make a positive impact with our purchasing power and support companies that prioritise social and environmental impact alongside financial success.

Find out more about how companies become B Corp certified 

If you're looking for B Corp school uniform, look no further

Image credit: Noah Buscher
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